Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Eugene Weixel for Mayor of New York! When you've been abusing a people for five hundred years, stopping one of the abuses is not enough/

This is the main plank in my platform! Of course I'm going to end the stop and frisk campaign to criminalize and end the career lives of Black and Latino youth in New York City but that would not be enough! I look for ways to make amends, to set things right. One idea I have is to allow people who have lost college financial aid eligibility due to this racist NYPD/ Bloomberg Private Army assault on decency to encourage victims of the bogus "displaying marijuana" scam racket to take free online courses that they miss by not having financial aid and for the city to test them and give college credits and degrees accordingly and allow these credits to count for NYC civil service hiring and promotion  purposes..

I'd also use all my clout as mayor to get CU?NY and SU?NY to grant the appropriate degrees. and I would try to shame Bloomberg (if he is able to feel shame, which I doubt)  into giving up one billion dollars, a small part of his stac=sh, to fund this program and all it would entail - counselors, tutors, meals if needed, whatever, to try and make things at least a little bit right.