Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fuckin with five eyes in my taxi! that is the AUSCANNZUKUS technical global spynet.

Not in their order of importance spy agencies of the five major E glish speaking countries wash one hand with the other he'll ing each other out gathering information interpreting it and storing it about as many of earth's inhabitants as possible. Australia,Canada,New,Zealand (!) ,the United Kingdom, the United States of America. All these are often called five eyes or in my personal dialect,i i i i i.

Now one way I know that five eyes is riding in my taxi is that every once in a while my cell phone camera gors click and the camera flashes. So to fuck with them :I lay the cell camera spy tool down and cover it with a banana peel and say things like weather underground or 911was an inside job. The camera gets to photograph and send off an image of the inside of a banana.