Friday, August 2, 2013

I don"t know how.#Hailo got away with it but I do know we don't need them in New York

what I do know is they jacked up the people in Toronto during the storm by raising taxi fares and that they clip 10 percent of the earnings of London taxi drivers . I've never been in either place and so I can't really comment as to how #Hailo, these scuzzy little techno fascists became so strong in those places. I pretty much demolish them if facts and reason and logic had any meaning anymore, and I know for fact that their driver's. app in NYC brings physical peril to our streets.

I scored a hit yesterday when the online journal Guardian of Great Britain ran an article that I wrote that perhaps brings the debate into the open for the first time.

Now as coincidence would have it my computer basically fried soon after the article was published.

I had little opportunity to get into the debate over Hailo that.went on at Comment Is Free yesterday. I am typing this on my smart phone keyboard and can't give you the link. I did post it yesterday so it is possible for anyone to find.