Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Taxi and Limousine Commission sets up the ehail pilot program for success #hailoandubermightkillyou

The TLC is running a supposed pilot program for the taxi ehail apps prior to giving them final approval. I wrote about my  concerns regarding the safety of Hailo and similar apps in the Guardian online at

and have blog posts at twitter #hailoandubermightkillyou  .

I just sent an email to the TLC requesting that I have input into this process. This must happen because the TLC is only seeking the input of taxi drivers who are consistently using Hailo and therefore are pleased with it.

At the time i wrote my Guardian piece I had not met a driver who liked Hailo. That is no longer true bit I have still to meet the Hailo driver who will swear he never is distracted by the app while driving.

Just as there are ignorant and unethical politicians so are there ignorant and unethical taxi drivers. Let's not allow either to unleash mayhem on our streets.,