"Cab drivers are considering boycotting tourist areas " to show their distrust of de Blasio(?). Really Rebecca Harshbarger, you yourself do not possibly believe this. What was this taxi driving wannabe politician Beresford Simmons smoking during this interview? Did you feel funny yourself Rebecca?
Under Yassky the medallion owners abused drivers with impunity for almost four years. Black car limo hustlers ran riot and made a trip to JFK a losing proposition for struggling lease drivers except for those times it overflows with incoming flights. At the end of his stint Yassky finally got an agreement from the Port Authority to declare a "crackdown" on those thieves who also monopolized hotel loading zones that once were called "taxi stands." After Yevgeny Friedman beat Yassky's boss in court and Bloomberg threw a public and obscene tantrum at Friedmsn, who if he is as "crooked" as you say is still allowed by Yassky to operate 880 medallions which are municipal franchises.
Anyone who has pushed for the Green Taxis is not at all the taxi drivers' friend, but is in fact a mortal foe..