Way back last month I came across a bike accident caused by its one victim. Well actually there were quite a few victims. The young man's parents. They were victims. His Significant Other. Surely a victim.
Then there were lesser victims. Me for example. I was in enough of a shock from the gruesome ness of the scene that I became slightly disoriented. The ambulance crew, the cops who accompanied them and the emergency room team. Studies tell us that these workers absorb emotional pain from these situations and that they sustain psychological damage from being constantly exposed to this gruesome horror. And the consequences hit their families, including their children. I can speak a bit about this having spent eight years in the field with New York's Emergency Childrens' Services. I digress.
I got several anonymous messages, I replied, did not remove the pictures. It seemed to go away until the day before yesterday. Then came a message, anonymous as well, from the dead man's purported life partner. It came in the form of an order. I replied that if I were asked again, I would comply and when that second request arrived I began removing pictures, but I forgot one post and another did not publish. I discovered this and fixed it. A bit later another anonymous message arrived this one expressing pity for me and telling me I have been reported to Blogger meaning this anonymous entity is out to shut me up.
Like anarchists these people reject any restraint on their conduct. Like fascists they threaten, issue orders and seek to silence what they cannot understand
This young man took his bike out into the rain in the dark of night onto a major thoroughfare without a helmet - and whatever else he did he ended up on the road with severe injuries. His bike was not damaged and the police say they have a security camera video. No other vehicle or person was involved they say.
He soon died and he left some very upset people in his wake. A tragedy. I am a victim of a distracted driver who broke several of my bones leaving me with pain and limited mobility for the remainder of my life. I do not have sympathy for people whose self absorption can lead to road havoc. I reject blame for anyone's grief regarding this sad self inflicted tragedy.
I spoke this morning with a young ex urban bicyclist. He suffered serious injury in spite of his helmet, his reflectors, his careful conduct and obedience to the rules in a cycling accident caused by a self absorbed anarcho - fascist on wheels. He says New York is not culturally prepared to have cycling on its streets. "Too many assholes," he said to me.