Since October first, 2013 the Taxi and Limousine Commission has been seizing six cents per ride from your yellow taxi driver in order to pay off the so called taxi workers alliance for political favors they did for him.
This money goes to a fake benefit fund the alliance controls The benefit fund is supposed to provide Obamacare counseling that is available elsewhere for free and a pittance that no one could possibly survive on of a disability plan audited by no one. Drivers are expected to pay $300 - $600 each every year that they work for one counseling session! The alliance stands to take in $15 million a year. Drivers never asked to have this done to us.
Adding insult to injury the plan is still not functional.
Please make copies and post this. Please make a voluntary contribution to allow this information to be known to the public.
Please tell Mayor deBlasio to give the drivers their money back. Contact him by calling 311 or at
Mayor Bill de Blasio
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
311 or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC