Basic stats on winning bids:
Hi $965000.00
Lo $805201.97
Av $863737.45
Total # bids 297 total medallions sold 169
128 bidders lost. 17 of them are in reserve
Recently owner driver medallions sold @ $1050000. 9 sold in January in private sales.
Most certainly some 9 people who plunked down just over a million in January are kicking themselves in their rear ends as sre yesterday's high bidders. I don't know how it works iif winners back out. There are 17 bids of lrss than $805000 in reserve. The March auction will be real interesting. Don't forget that NYC is counting on the successful auctioning of 1631 more medallions. Sick geese lay a few scrawny eggs. Dead geese lay no golden eggs at all.: