Simply put, Patrick Lynch, Union Boss of the Patrolmen´s Benevolent Association effectively took charge of the NYPD yestertday, claiming that elected mayor is a revolutionary-he also ordered the cops to assist pro ccop politicians and to ¨use discretion¨ if an elected official who does not show sufficient gratitude for what his members do.
“Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest...¨
Had he taken charge months ago Lynch could have prevented the homicide by cop of Eric Garner and probably the violent deaths of two of his members yesterday.No shop keeper gets put into an illegal chokehold and dragged to jail for selling looose cigarettes. Had Garner received the same consideration probably none of this would have happened.
The slain police officers: Rafael Ramos, 40, left, and Wenjian Liu, 32. New York Police Department