I made this video with my cheap Huwawei cell phone camera so it isn't clear but at 0:15 and at 0:32 the sign is telling taxi drivers not to feed birds at JFK Airport. Google "please don't vomit in the taxi" and see about Mayor Bloomberg's plan to feed lots of birds near LaGuardia Airport.
City Time Scandal===
Bloomberg was telling people to shut up about this one but they didn't and finally he had to own up to it. If he we Freddy Ferrer he would have been driven out of office, certainly would not have been able to run for another term. The media wouldn't have allowed it, but when someone has twenty-five billion dollars and a monster ego his shit smells sweet.
Michael Bloomberg has always yearned to be remembered as one of the great New York mayors -- maybe the greatest. Now, thanks to a monster City Hall scandal, the central bragging right of his administration -- Bloomberg's savvy businessman-approach to governing -- is teetering.
The scandal is known as CityTime, and it involves hundreds of millions of dollars stolen or wasted from beneath the mayor's slumbering nose. (If you think New York is the city that never sleeps, think again.)
Bloomberg needs to be forthright with his constituents about how this all happened. But it's taken him eons to even admit that CityTime -- a disaster- and fraud-ridden project to strengthen the city's payroll system -- was a bad idea. Recently, the mayor snapped out of it long enough to ask the prime contractor to give back the $600 million or so that the city has dropped on the operation.
Good luck on that one.
Then there's ECPT 911:
ECTP 911 Tech System Where is Criminal Prosecution?
Where is the investigation, where are the arrests, where is the trial?
I want our tax payer money back plus damages.....
John Liu did a 20 page audit and called for a criminal investigation.
The feds are wire tapping him but not the crooks on this scam which is bigger than CityTime.
CityTime not one arrest of an NYC gov official and lucky Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and Bill Thompson all implicated the trial is delayed until Sept. 2013 scheduled to start the same time as the Murdoch Hacking trial in England.
Bill DeBlasio and Scott Stringer want to be mayor and they did nothing to stop the mega crime mega abuse of tax payer dollars and all of the above did nothing to call for a criminal prosecution of St. Vincent's Hospital and all support Rudin Luxury condos instead of a hospital -- a trauma level 1 hospital which includes a rape crisis center.
Lucky for all the DA and US Attorney have these folks on the above the law list.
Mike Bloomberg resign...re-imburse us including for your crappy campaign staff.
Take your corrupt puppet Christine Quinn with you.
We has such losers -- there is no one to take their places.....
No dynamic leaders to fight for the People of NYC rather than helped them be robbed and pushed out of NYC by the greedy stupid rich people they are in all in bed.
From Albany to City Hall they are profiteers. Disgusting.....
No accountability.
Police brutality goes haywire under Bloomberg
NYPD Abuse Increases Settlements Costing City $735 Million
By Henry Goldman - Sep 4, 2012 2:08 PM ET
New York City plans to spend $735 million this year on settlements or awards in lawsuits claiming negligence, police abuse and property damage, the most in its history and almost six times what Los Angeles pays per capita.
The cost of claims is forecast to rise to $815 million by 2016, more than the city pays to run the Parks and Recreation Department, according to budget documents. Among the incidents triggering payments are malpractice in public hospitals, police beatings, improper arrests, collisions with fire trucks and potholes causing accidents.
The increase in litigation payouts may put pressure on MayorMichael Bloomberg as he weighs job and service cuts to close a $3.5 billion deficit in a $72 billion budget next year. The gap widened by $1 billion last month when a court struck down a plan to sell 2,000 new taxi medallions.
The bike share plan-- remember that? So far it's a fail!
CitiBike Share Officially Delayed Until At Least Spring 2013

Were we ever so young? A scene from this spring's CitiBike public announcement (CitibikNYC's twitter). Blame the computers. Mayor Bloomberg this morning confirmed what had already become evident to anyone with eyes: New York City's ambitious...MORE ›
Oh yeah, Bloomberg's taxi plan was gonna bring a billion dollars into the cty coffers!
Read more: http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20120817/TRANSPORTATION/120819900#ixzz2FFPDxZGi
So the next time someone tells me tht Bloo,berg is a good mayor I just might say STFU!