Sunday, February 10, 2013

California cops shoot crooked yet again and Stephen Downing, "Good" or :"Soft"cop goes on the defense with insulting lies.

Stephen Downing, former Deputy Police Chief LAPD, a soft cop who favors legalizing marijuana but here he is repeating obvious lie that iStephen Downing, soft cop, goes on the defense. He insults the intelligence of all sentient creatures when  talking about the  overwhelming deadly force shooting  by  two cops searching for a very big black man in a gray pickup truck of two small Hispanic women who were in a blue pickup truck:

I ummm all I know about that what I imderstand about that is that the officers that were involved the officers that were involved were two officers that were dispatched to uh the home of another officer who had to be protected he was one of those named in the manifesto. I am told that the uh vehicle that the women were in matched I'm given to understand her vehicle matched that of the suspect....

...I would guarantee you um I can't guarantee you anything, but I am pretty sure that you will see a uh shooting review a shooting investigation team deployed in that you will re receive its usual kinds of deadly force investigation because deadly force was used and those two women were hurt as a result uh harrumph the investogation is the only thing that's going to uhh turn that out...