Merci but yur post has some innacuracies.
Il animait, à l’époque, un blog peu ordinaire appelé Fat-old-jewish-guy-who-lives-in-the-projects (« Vieux gros Juif qui vit dans les logements sociaux »). Nous y avons suivi pendant plus de deux ans sa croisade contre les magnats, les mafieux et les scientifiques à la conscience élastique, mais aussi, et simultanément, ses joutes avec les trolls de l’AIPAC, très désireux de lui voir faire sonaliyah et aller exercer ses talents de chauffeur du côté de Tel Aviv. Nous n’avons pas oublié la dernière réponse par laquelle il les congédia : « Je ne vais pas m’installer chez des gens qui ont la clé de la maison et qui y reviendront un jour ou l’autre. »
Merci but yur post has some innacuracies.
Cette sombre histoire nous a remis en mémoire la croisade entreprise, il y a quelques années, par un chauffeur de taxi de nuit new-yorkais.
Cet homme, Eugene WEIXEL, juif US, dont les parents avaient fui, comme tant d’autres, l’Allemagne nazie, était communiste (eh bien, oui, il en reste, même si pas beaucoup) et ne se gênait pas pour le dire (ce qui est encore bien plus rare). Il avait épousé une Vénézuélienne et rêvait d’aller passer sa retraite dans la patrie de sa femme. Jusqu’alors, il n’avait jamais pu obtenir des Etats-Unis de visa l'autorisant à s’y rendre.
Comme cela doit arriver dans ces professions, il avait sympathisé avec un client véhiculé plusieurs fois, un journaliste free lance, qui avait fini par lui raconter sur quoi il travaillait : une affaire d’abus d’enfants par les autorités new-yorkaises… de protection de l’enfance, qui en avaient vendu (ou donné ?) à un centre de recherche sur le sida. Comme cobayes. Des enfants pauvres, évidemment, petits Latinos et petits Noirs. Certains en étaient morts, d’autres en restaient handicapés à vie. Leurs familles, ne survivant que par l’assistance publique, avaient bien essayé de s’unir pour dénoncer ces pratiques et récupérer leurs mouflets. On les avait menacés de leur enlever les autres au prétexte qu’ils n’étaient « pas aptes à les élever ». Chantage ? Oui. Terrorisme ? Oui. Eugene avait vu rouge (vous me direz…) et s’était embarqué, avec son copain journaliste, dans l’entreprise donquichottesque de mettre les enfants à l’abri en faisant cesser la chose et d’amener les autorités coupables devant la justice. Counterpunch leur avait ouvert ses colonnes, photos glaçantes à l’appui.
Il est toujours dangereux de s’attaquer, quand on n’est rien ou presque rien, à des gens puissants, maire de New York en tête. Nous nous demandions quand le taxi sexagénaire aurait un accident. Cela finit par arriver. Par quel miracle il s’en sortit vivant ? Nous ne savons. Le fait est qu’au bout de plusieurs mois de convalescence, il reprit ses activités et qu’il les exerce toujours.

Nous n’avons pas oublié non plus sa longue polémique avec une internaute Anglaise de gauche, qui lui reprochait de ne pas faire son devoir de juif en soutenant Israël. Il s’était tout fait traduire : des articles du Monde aux textes de Faurisson. Il s’était aussi rendu en Allemagne, pour aller voir, dans les différents camps, ce qu’il en était de ces fours qui existaient ou qui n’existaient pas. Bref, Eugene WEIXEL est cette chose rarissime : un homme qui pense par lui-même.
Son blog a changé une ou deux fois de nom depuis lors. Il s’appelle aujourd’hui Please, don’t vomit in the taxi (est-il besoin de traduire ?). Eugene, sûrement septuagénaire, y met en ligne des petites videos bricolées à la maison, où il s’en prend (quelquefois en chantant) aux influents qui l’énervent - les Attali, Minc, Joffrin, BHL des USA, chaque pays a les siens – ici, Michael Bloomberg et Thomas Friedman, mais aussi Chuck Hagel, qu'il nous promet comme prochain président des Etats-Unis.
Si le cœur vous en dit :
Google translate: so full of falsehoods. That's the trouble with translations, non?
Too many to go into but start here: My parents were both born in the USA. Gringos don't need visas to visit Venezuela.
This dark story gave us memory the crusade, a few years ago by a taxi driver at night in New York.
This man, Eugene Weixel, Jewish U.S., whose parents had fled, like so many others, Nazi Germany was a communist (well, yes, it is, although not much) and did not hesitate to say (which is even more rare). He married a Venezuelan and dreamed to spend his retirement in the homeland of his wife. Until then, he had never been able to get U.S. visa authorizing him to go there.
As must happen in these occupations, he befriended a client conveyed several times, a freelance journalist who had come to tell him what he was working on: a case of child abuse by the authorities of New York ... Child Protection, who had sold (or given?) in a research on AIDS. As guinea pigs. Poor children, of course, small little black and Latinos. Some were dead, others remained disabled. Their families, surviving only by public assistance, had tried to unite to denounce these practices and recover their Mouflets. They had threatened to take away the others because they were "not able to raise them." Blackmail? Yes. Terrorism? Yes. Eugene saw red (tell me ...) and was embedded journalist with her boyfriend in the quixotic enterprise to protect children by stopping the thing and bring the perpetrators to justice authorities. Counterpunch had opened its columns, photos chilling in support.
It is always dangerous to attack when there is little or nothing to powerful people, mayor of New York in mind. We were wondering when the taxi sixties have an accident. It finally arrived. By what miracle he pulled out alive? We do not know. The fact is that after several months of recovery, he resumed his activities and that he always has.
He presented at the time, a little blog called Fat regular-old-guy-jewish-who-lives-in-the-projects ("Old fat Jew who lives in social housing"). We have followed for more than two years his crusade against the tycoons, mobsters and scientific consciousness elastic, but also, and simultaneously, its battles with trolls AIPAC, eager to see him make aliyah and to exercise his talents driver side of Tel Aviv. We have not forgotten the last response that he dismissed: "I'm not going to live with people who have the key to the house and will return one day or the other. '
We have not forgotten his long controversy with Internet English left, who accused him of not doing his duty by supporting Israel Jewish. It was all translated: Articles World texts Faurisson. He had also traveled to Germany to go in different camps, he was one of those ovens that existed or did not exist. In short, this is Eugene Weixel rare thing: a man who thinks for himself.
His blog has changed once or twice a name since. It is now called Please, do not vomit in the taxi (there is need to translate?). Eugene, surely septuagenarian puts online small cobbled videos at home, where he takes (sometimes singing) to the influential Madden - the Attali, Minc, Joffrin BHL U.S., each country has the own - here Michael Bloomberg and Thomas Friedman, but Chuck Hagel, it promises to be the next president of the United States.
If your heart says:
Too many to go into but start here: My parents were both born in the USA. Gringos don't need visas to visit Venezuela.
This dark story gave us memory the crusade, a few years ago by a taxi driver at night in New York.
This man, Eugene Weixel, Jewish U.S., whose parents had fled, like so many others, Nazi Germany was a communist (well, yes, it is, although not much) and did not hesitate to say (which is even more rare). He married a Venezuelan and dreamed to spend his retirement in the homeland of his wife. Until then, he had never been able to get U.S. visa authorizing him to go there.
As must happen in these occupations, he befriended a client conveyed several times, a freelance journalist who had come to tell him what he was working on: a case of child abuse by the authorities of New York ... Child Protection, who had sold (or given?) in a research on AIDS. As guinea pigs. Poor children, of course, small little black and Latinos. Some were dead, others remained disabled. Their families, surviving only by public assistance, had tried to unite to denounce these practices and recover their Mouflets. They had threatened to take away the others because they were "not able to raise them." Blackmail? Yes. Terrorism? Yes. Eugene saw red (tell me ...) and was embedded journalist with her boyfriend in the quixotic enterprise to protect children by stopping the thing and bring the perpetrators to justice authorities. Counterpunch had opened its columns, photos chilling in support.
It is always dangerous to attack when there is little or nothing to powerful people, mayor of New York in mind. We were wondering when the taxi sixties have an accident. It finally arrived. By what miracle he pulled out alive? We do not know. The fact is that after several months of recovery, he resumed his activities and that he always has.
He presented at the time, a little blog called Fat regular-old-guy-jewish-who-lives-in-the-projects ("Old fat Jew who lives in social housing"). We have followed for more than two years his crusade against the tycoons, mobsters and scientific consciousness elastic, but also, and simultaneously, its battles with trolls AIPAC, eager to see him make aliyah and to exercise his talents driver side of Tel Aviv. We have not forgotten the last response that he dismissed: "I'm not going to live with people who have the key to the house and will return one day or the other. '
We have not forgotten his long controversy with Internet English left, who accused him of not doing his duty by supporting Israel Jewish. It was all translated: Articles World texts Faurisson. He had also traveled to Germany to go in different camps, he was one of those ovens that existed or did not exist. In short, this is Eugene Weixel rare thing: a man who thinks for himself.
His blog has changed once or twice a name since. It is now called Please, do not vomit in the taxi (there is need to translate?). Eugene, surely septuagenarian puts online small cobbled videos at home, where he takes (sometimes singing) to the influential Madden - the Attali, Minc, Joffrin BHL U.S., each country has the own - here Michael Bloomberg and Thomas Friedman, but Chuck Hagel, it promises to be the next president of the United States.
If your heart says: