Friday, March 1, 2013

The Sequester: A Harry Reid production.

Once upon a time in a place far away, the people of the United States rose up at the ballot box and brought in change, They gave full power to govern over to the Democratic Party, with the House of Representatives and Senate firmly in the hands of what is sometimes called "the party of the people." The Democrats even had a full sixty Senators, enough to completely change the rules of the Seate, to get rid of for once and all the archaic filibuster rule, or at least to force filibusterers to actually stand up and hold the Senate floor, which would make for great entertainment.

The ball was in Harry Reid's court. In fact even this year, without sixty Senators, Harry REid, the stealth Republican and Mormon in chief of the Senate, gentleman that he is, would not want to hurt the feelings of his Republican friends.

Two years of half stepping and compromises, with not nearly enough accomplished to reverse the economic crisis, took their toll on the morale of the Democratic Party's voters and the party got whacked in 2010. Republicans swept the House of Representatives and State capitals from sea to shining sea. They set out to make it harder for poor people and young people to vote and drew themselves new congressional district lines that would guarantee them supremacy in the House for ten years at least. This done because Harry Reid wanted to be nice to his friend Mitch McConnell.

IN 2012 the Democrats made something of a come  back, winning the majority of the popular bote and swamping "Simon Legree" the Mormon huckster who got his ass whipped. The Democrats even took the majority of votes for the House of Representatives, but because the Republicans never miss a chance to fight to win the district lines in too many states were drawn to negate this popular statement of the people's will.

We are left now with a frightening prospect that has only a slight silver lining0 that the Pentagon is also going to get whacked, but hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Democratic voters, are going to lose their jobs. The economy which is still quite anemic, is going to take a serious hit.

This system does not work for the 99 percent.

US Democracy for space aliens