Sunday, March 10, 2013

Vote For Eugene Weixel Independent Candidate For Mayor of New York City

I Promise if elected

I will not live in Gracie Mansion, but will continue living in the General Grant Houses. Gracie Mansion will be given over to community organizations that serve the poor and that raise awareness among the 99 percent.

We will demand our share of the stock purchase tax that Albany collects and then returns to Wall Street. Our share is eight billion per year.

As a candidate and as mayor I promise not to visit Israel or the occupied territories. I will not kiss the wailing wall or anything else to get elected and to serve without a media blitz against me.

Foster care will be reduced by 90 percent. Child protection will be given over to empowered communities, churches, mosques, temples, tenant organizations, families. Every abused or neglected child's parents will be given real and effective help- that of the family, friends, neighbors, teachers, who care about the child. 

Child Protective Services, being a gigantic drain on the budget and feeding the foster-prison pipeline will be done away with. There are at times children are in danger. Communities will be empowered to take such children into their care and allow the intense situation to cool out. No more stupid decisions about children made by detached social workers and cops.

Drop in centers that will be well run will welcome children and families who need a rest from stress. NO person in New York City will suffer from involuntary hunger.

The NYPD as we know it will be gone. Communities know what is best for themselves. Very often "gangs" are simply organizations of youths who give themselves and each other safety and economic opportunities. Many "gang" members in fact want to serve their communities. Efforts like those of Minister Farrakhan and Reverend Sharpton are going to be welcomed and encouraged. 

Self defense is a natural God given right. Individuals and communities have the absolute right to defend themselves, Community organizations shall be empowered to make citizen arrests when called for.

Punishment for crime will center on the criminal making restitution and acknowledging his wrongdoing, and once the debt to society and the victim is paid, that person will be afforded the opportunity to work and live in society.

Every young person will be in school or working. Not every person is going to be an academic success. There is so much work to be done on our infrastructure there is no sane reason anyone who wants to work has no work. WE need to prepare for the next hurricane Sandy. We need a Staten Island subway connection with the rest of the city. We need to repair our roads, bridges, tunnels, school buildings.

Diane Ravitch or a person of her choosing will be in charge of our schools. Our school system will be great again.

Civil Service will be reformed. Read this post to see what I mean.

I will support "living wage" legislation and regulation.

New York's wonderful anti discrimination laws will be enforced, up to and including imprisonment and the taking of unlawfully operated businesses and residential property.

We will have legalized casino gambling in New York City to rival Monte Carlo, not Atlantic City. Rich people will be encouraged to come here and gamble to their hearts' content. Minimum wagers and dress codes will prevent working and middle class people from wasting their money at the tables.

There will be zoned legalized prostitution, as rumor has it most of the high end strip clubs are fronts for this business anyway. No ault who is earning a living by way of selling sex will be prosecuted, persecuted, chased down or made into a cash cow for cops, judges, jailers, lawyers, etc. Public nuisances outside the zones will not be tolerated.

All forms of human trafficking will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This includes the practice of exploiting undocumented workers and children in all fields of business, not only the sex business.

We will roll back the bridge tolls within the city limits. New subway and express bus service to all parts of the city will be expanded and kept affordable.

23 hours ago
Queensbridge- 21... Buy This at I lived in Queensbridge projects between the ages of five years old and thirteen y... Lives of New York Taxi Drivers. Eugene Weixel independent candidate for mayor of New York ...
Feb 12, 2013
I will enact a stock transaction tax and urge an alliance with the mayors of London and Tokyo to do the same. Ultimately there must be a global "Tobin tax" but New York can pioneer - we used to be firsters and innovators and ...
Mar 03, 2013
These two issues can define me as a "fringe" or even a "joke" candidate or as an almost prophetic and visionary presence on the campaign and in the city overall. .... Eugene Weixel Independent candidate for mayor of N..
Mar 03, 2013
Queensbridge- 21... Buy This at I lived in Queensbridge projects between the ages of five years old and thirteen y... Lives of New York Taxi Drivers. Eugene Weixel independent candidate for mayor of New York ...