Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In defense of Amanda Bynes

Because I know that cops do what cops do.

I don't care about people like Amanda Bynes one way or the other. I don't watch TV and I haven't been to the movies in years. I work, eat, sleep, try to stay connected to my families, read and watch things on the internet that interest me, blog and listen to the radio almost all night six nights a week that I work.

If Amanda Bynes has ever gotten into my taxi I'd be the last to know, and up to a couple of days ago her name would have meant nothing, nada, zilch, rien.

Some people who are supposed to be her friends or know her are telling the world that she is unstable, bizzarre, whatever. I don't know. I don't know if she is a devotee of weed. I don't know if she had a bong in her apartment. I don't know if she smoked weed in the apartment lobby or tossed a bong out her wndow. I don't know.

But I feel obliged to defend her. Her accusations against the NYPD are getting her into the soup with the media and possibly with a broad segment of public opinion and that I think is not right.

People can say that I am a cop hater. No, I don't hate people, I hate institutions that abuse people and I hate3 the deeds of the people who function as abusers, especially as official government abusers.

Remember the case of Michael Pena, a cop who was confessed to raping a woman at gunpoint?

Remember this gem? A bad cop sexually used an intoxicated woman while his sensitive new age good cop buddy stood guard = this to a woman they who they were supposedly helping, and because she was intoxicated we are advised that her words mean nothing. Read it. It's pretty disgusting.

I know personally of one case of a disturbed woman who was sexually molested by two cops who wee transporting her to a hospital. The Emergency room doctor said he had heard the same accusation from several other women but he could say nothing because the ER depended on good relations (no pun intended) with the cops.  So I am going to speak out here and defend Amanda Bynes and remind the world of the following: NYPD cops are thugs and liars at least as often as not.

May 01, 2013
NYPD race/class arrogance against a taxi driver. New York Taxi Drivers are subjected to racial and class based arrogance on the part of the media, much of the public and NYPD. Here's an example: .
Apr 30, 2013
Original post April 16. I've come to the conclusion that the answer is "no" and I want to explain this to you. People rely on police to keep them safe. Does the NYPD do that? We've been filled up with propaganda, like cop ...
Mar 26, 2013
NYPD race/class arrogance against a taxi driver. New York Taxi Drivers are subjected to racial and class based arrogance on the part of the media, much of the public and NYPD. Here's an example: ...
Apr 19, 2013
I woke up a little while ago and my wife told me that all the subway trains are jammed up because the NYPD is checking every train. I went to the website of the newspaper of record around here, The New York Times and ...