Saturday, June 29, 2013

I get answered on twitter and damn if I'm not blocked again. This time it's for my faulty memory regarding passwords. I got all of them jumbled up in my mind and Twitter wants me to chiillax(?)

I will be happy to defend my "lies" which will give "The Last Mimzy"

 time to figure out what they were.

Marshmallow Cabbie,
You were mentioned in a conversation!
Marshmallow Cabbie
Marshmallow Cabbie@ecsredeye
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Commie to get you RT @mission_mimzy@ecsredeye what really ridiculous is not communism but those who spread awful lies over the Internet. - 29 Jun
The Last Mimzy@mission_mimzy
@RedScareBot @ecsredeye uh-oh! Call the dog, grap the stick :) looj who's talking:) röhh!
02:00 PM - 29 Jun 13

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We've temporarily locked your ability to reset passwords. Please chillax for a few, then try again.