Friday, July 12, 2013

I have some interesting followers on Twitter. Not a whole lot of them, but some very significant ones so you should consider following, favoring and RTing me.

Marshmallow Cabbie

Marshmallow Cabbie


Old NYC night time taxi driver. One time worker children's services. a father, married, Eugene Weixel Candidate for mayor of NYC,

  • CEO of Benaiah. Webmaster of Ministries.

    Published writer / political columnist, activist, and speaker.

    Internationally syndicated political television & radio show hosted by David Pakman, airing on 150+ TV & radio stations, DirecTV & DISH Network, iTunes, YouTube

    Editor at Large for Mondoweiss

    Political Activist, Executive Director of Honor In Office, CEO, and Executive Producer of Political Doc, Fools on the Hill