Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sometimes progressives get it wrong. Take the Brooklyn redevelopment for example. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network got it right.

People who should know better were all besides themselves about the massive project maybe because ole boy corruption was involved like all over tbe world since they built the pyramids in Egypt and.Mexico, or out of sympathy for the white small property owners who got displaced while kicking and screaming and getting press.. Reverend Sharpton went to the table and got good union construction jobs for his constituents who are Black people in need of decent jobs.

I seem to remember Black people  had once predominated in the neighborhood but got kicked out  same as is going on everywhere in NYC. I don,'t recall any white or other progressives saying. Jack shit about it while that was going on there in Brooklyn.

So now Brooklyn has scads of new apartments and the Barclay Center. Black people got good jobs. Granted the retail type jobs that spun off suck, as they all do everywhere  but unlike many many many places most of those jobs are held by Black people, so praise goes to Al Sharpton amd gee whizzz goes to Randy Credico etc.