Tuesday, December 24, 2013

New York Times Matt Flegenheimer Misrepresents David Yassky ; Cabbies screwed yet again.


Matt Flegenheimer is in no position to decide who the taxi drivers' friends are. David Yassky's Green Taxis are hurting the yellow taxi drivers and if this Bloomberg brainchild comes to full flower it will absolutely kill us. 

Flegenheimer tells us that taxi owners have abused and cheated taxi drivers. Well since 2010 it has bren Yassky's job not to permit this!: In his final days on the beat Yassky nails Yevgeny Friedman who just happens to be viscerally hated by Mike  Bloomberg,  David Yassky's boss.

It should be no surprise that Bhairavi Desai has hugs for Yassky. Because of Yassky her life has become very much improved. Yassky has awarded Bhairavi six cents out of every yellow taxi fare. This will come to fifteen million dollars!  In return Bhairavi was supposed to provide Obama care Navigation. Bhairavi has not quite gotten  around to this; as of today. Many unsophisticated taxi drivers thought and some still believe that through this cruel deception they have medical insurance.

Cab  drivers have had this money involuntarily taken since October first.

Even if this service gets off the ground it is a shameful hoax.  Drivers are to be paying six vents a ride year after year for a one time counseling session that is available from other sources free of charge. Drivers who waited for Bhairavi now have no insurance.

Let's see if this scam lasts.