A month ago you wrote an article about two lawsuits against the Taxi and Limousine Commission. Your article was not accurate regarding benefits that you assert taxi drivers are receiving.
There has been no ACA (Obamacare) navigation. Some naive drivers believe they are paying for and receiving Obamacare right now and that anyone who says otherwise hates Obama and unions. Crazy, isn't it? Ask Ms. Desai where these Navigation sessions have taken place, and lrt her show you the notices the fund did not ever send out to the drivers.
There has been no Obamacare navigation.
You assert that the drivers get dental and eyeglass coverage. Show me the list of dentists and opticians that accept benefit fund payment. Or are there co pays and deductibles? I pay into this benefit plan against my will. I have seen no evidence whatever that it exists or functions at all.
Ask the New York City Comptroller who must approve the plan if indeed the contract has been registered. If not, why not?
I have filed a notice of claim against the TLC and patiently await their response.
I have filed a complaint of corruption against David Yassky and the TLC with the Department of Investigations.
The fourth estate is not the government steno pool.