Friday, November 21, 2014

I am in Venezuela and I am a blogger. Should I blog about Venezuela

I am a guest and so I want to avoid giving insult or meddling. Still I am a politics junkie so I am going to try to walk the line.

Chikungunya, dengue and malaria are nasty diseases that can possibly kill you. Several countries, Venezuela abd 28 US states among them, are suffering with these mosquio borne  diseases.Visitors to Venezuela might not be able to get their hands on insect repellent for any money at all so if you are going to visit Venezuela you might want to bring some insect repellent with you.e bad news is that many nasty mosquitoes are themselves resistant to DEET, the activThe government struggles to cone ingredient in chemical based products and DEET can also bring its own nasty side effects. There are home based  and natural remedies. High doses of vitamins B1 and B12 reportedly work for many people.Oil of lemon eucalyptis is recommended by the US Centers for disease control.


There´s a hot button for you. For their own reasons Venezuela has been maintaining a multi level foreign exchange system. The basis Venezuelan currency is the Bolivarfuerte. The official exchange rate is 6.3 to the dollar. A big loaftof whole wheat bread goes for 88 Bolivares fuerte or.$13.97.There is a tourist rate of exchange that is 11.3 Bolivares fuerte to the dollar. that brings the loaf of bread to $7.79.

On December 1 the new wage will be 4,889 bolivars per month (US$776 at the official exchange rate of 6.3). Venezuelans can exchange bolivars for dollars to travel abroad, the limit is $3000 per person) and can send money to relatives abroad ($3000 per year per person) and make purchases of imported items deemed important to the national economy or well being.

Businesses do not have an easy go of getting these cheap dollars.The system gets abused due to the presence of an illegal market in dollars that can demand up to 100 bolivars for one dollar. ( Now that loaf of bread costs 88 cents).Businesses are known to import goods at 6.3 bolivars and charge customers as though the items were boaught at illegal market rates.

President Maduro just signed several laws that among many objectives is one to empower based organizations called councils to enforce fair pricing based on the 6.3 bolivar to the dollar. A type of food stamp is also given to those Venezuelans who work in the formal sector.BsF 72.50 for a five dsy week. Many Venezuelans work  employed or in small enterprises hat operate off the books. They do not get the food tickets,

Well, I think I will pass on that whole wheat bread. My wife takes corn flour and makes arrepas, a lot cheaper.