I've been pondering what to say if anything about New Times columnist Roger Cohen, his advocacy of military action against Syria and his first concern, which seems to be Israel.
I was raised by parents who had lots of contradictions, one being socialism (I was named for Eugene Debs) and Zionism. I won't deny that I grew up in a mainly non Jewish part of town (during Rosenberg trial/McCarthy times) and my parents had taken a brave stand that I knew noting about except my getting beat up on and called things that I could not understand) and got my lumps before I even knew what "Jew" meant, and that I went through a phase in my younger days wherein I loved "the working class" and the downtrodden, having grown up among them and being one of them but I also had an emotional reaction against non-Jews at the very same time. So I can see Roger's point of being "Israel Israel Israel". The trouble is Israel turns out to be a bad idea. First of all, all the Jews on earth can't fit in there, especially if they expect affluent western lifestyles, which they do, and mainly have. But more to the point Israel meant the displacement of people who had been on that land for centuries, and it is an affront also to the rising up of oppressed and colonized-by-the-west-nations.
I recommend people read Israel Shahak
Intervene in Syria
Published: February 4, 2013 115 Comments
Related in Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor: After Assad, Chaos? (February 4, 2013)
Readers’ Comments
"A failure to act betrays the ideals in which we take pride as a nation."bfeingold, Dartmouth,Mass
SYRIA, for Israel, is a conundrum.
I was raised by parents who had lots of contradictions, one being socialism (I was named for Eugene Debs) and Zionism. I won't deny that I grew up in a mainly non Jewish part of town (during Rosenberg trial/McCarthy times) and my parents had taken a brave stand that I knew noting about except my getting beat up on and called things that I could not understand) and got my lumps before I even knew what "Jew" meant, and that I went through a phase in my younger days wherein I loved "the working class" and the downtrodden, having grown up among them and being one of them but I also had an emotional reaction against non-Jews at the very same time. So I can see Roger's point of being "Israel Israel Israel". The trouble is Israel turns out to be a bad idea. First of all, all the Jews on earth can't fit in there, especially if they expect affluent western lifestyles, which they do, and mainly have. But more to the point Israel meant the displacement of people who had been on that land for centuries, and it is an affront also to the rising up of oppressed and colonized-by-the-west-nations.
I recommend people read Israel Shahak
MY kids did not get beat up.
Roger, listen to me: People are sick and tired of wars. They are not going to tolerate another war of choice. Please, Roger. Please shut the fuck up.
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