Saturday, May 11, 2013

A typical nightscum passenger

I went by the Hallal guys on Wednesday night to bet me some fellafel and salad and I was sitting on the taxi line. While I was eating, people were coming up to me asking me to take them to New Jersey ($$$). I was on my break and considering just calling it a night so I turned down a couple of New Jersey rides.

As I am chewing on my last slice of onion this young woman approaches me, and I can see she's just a bit messed up, too much to drinl. She asks me to take her to 27th Street and Seventh Avenue and out of pity more than anything I accepted her. We turn the corner, I have lost my place on line and started the meter. A garbage truck stops in front of us. This will be a five minute wait, or less. She opens the passenger door and without a word or  glance to me she leaves the cab.

This is why it does not pay to be soft on these club slimes.