Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The drama in NYC taxi politics (sound and fury signifying...)

Some time back I posted about the new rule changes that the Taxi and Limousine Commission were putting through in order to make it easier for the medallion owners to more thoroughly rape the drivers.

Changes, changes changes. It's like an eighteen wheeler is heading straight at me.

May 21, 2013
The Daily News Should Have Headlined This Item "Taxi Medallion Owners Get Bloomberg Green Light To Rip Off Taxi Drivers." (But they didn't). New York · Pete Donohue ...

Jun 11, 2013
Doesn't quite comport with Bloomberg's supposed carino for us chaufferes and the raloly today gor no traction in the puppy dog media. What;s left of the New York Central labor Council joined the Taxi 'Workers Alliance on the ...

So, there were several mobilizations by the Taxi Workers Alliance and the New YorkCentral Labor Council against these pretty bad and seemingly completely unjustifiable rule changes (Ka Ching?) that the taxi and limo pols did finally pass.

Everyone (except the taxi drivers) won in this deal.

The Taxi and Limousine guys got or soon will be paid (by indirection, no doubt, these are not the days of Jay Turoff).

The medallion industry gets to squeeze the drivers harder and with more impunity.

Now here comes the kicker and some people are not going to like this one at all:

The TAxi Workers Alliance, which went along with Bloomberg's plan to destroy the taxi industry in return for some empty promises (this is benefit of the doubt time) to flex, build it's rep as fighters for the taxi drivers and real 100 percent 99 percenters, and to cement relations with the Central Labor Council and ex revolutionary City Council member Margaret Chin who also won because \hey got to "fight for the little people" at no expense.

Tis is the typical kabuki bullshit dance after which the little people are left asking themselves what the hell happened once again. Oh, you got scammed and raped, that's what.