The two aspirin here cost between ¢75 to $1.25 in New York depending on the neighborhood.
It's been used for thousands of years for treatment of minor pain, swelling and fever for ages. It's been used to prevent fatal heart attacks. It has also been used as emergency first aid for patients who have just suffered a heart attack or are in the midst of one. It can prevent or limit heart muscle death.
It has side effects including ringing in the eats especially in people who overuse it. I have had ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember. I would imagine its onset later in life would be very upsetting.
When I was a boy around six years old I got hit with measles and pneumonia and had bouts of high fever that was treated with aspirin. The ringing came on gradually. I cannot say for sure when I became aware of it and that it is a problem.(Also lots of New Yorkers get this problem from the screeching of steel subway train wheels.
Anyhow if it can save heart attack victims and prevent 50% of cancer cases it is a miracle drug beyond doubt.